Zero Waste
HOW and WHAT to recycle, WHERE to donate, and WHY it matters!
Backyard composting or food scrap drop off?
Read on for the HOW, WHAT, and WHYs of food scrap recycling.
Let's spend our taxpayer money on things that matter to us - not on garbage!
Together with the Village of Dobbs Ferry, and NY State, Sustainable Dobbs is on a mission to reduce solid waste by 0.6 lbs per person per day!
Did you know that Dobbs Ferry pays Westchester County $33 per ton to process our trash, but that we pay nothing for what we recycle?
In fact, Westchester County made over $7.0 million in the sale of recyclables in 2022!
Learn more about the #DeWasteDobbs campaign, going on now
Success Stories!
There is SO much going on in the Zero Waste world, including:
New recycling bins to be installed in parks, downtown streets and bus shelters
Recycling how-to flyer distributed to all Village residents
Work with public events to help compost and reduce waste